NO. 496

A Total of 500 TKU Faculty and Staff Will Attend the Quality Control Conference Presided over by Dr.

Starting 8:30 AM today (March 25), a 2001-2002 School-Year Comprehensive Quality Control Symposium will be held at the International Conference Rooms, Ching Sheng Memorial Hall and Chueh Sheng Memorial Hall respectively, but at a different 2-time slots, one in the morning; the other in the afternoon.

A total of more than 500 people, including first-level and second-level officers, faculty/staff of teaching and administrative units, secretaries, assistants, etc. are expected to attend.

Both Symposiums will be presided over by Dr. Flora C.I. Chang, V.P. for Administrative Affairs.

The topic under discussion will start from “National Quality Control Award” to TKU’s envisioned outlook upon Quality Control in the future.

The featured keynote speaker will be Dr. Lin Chun-ping, Director, Quality Control Center, National Taiwan University. He is scheduled to tackle the practical experience of exercising Quality Control, as NTU was awarded the First Group Prize for its meritorious performance in Quality Control.

Prof. Hsu Ting-chi, Director, Educational Development Center, will analyze how TKU wedged thru the last “bottleneck” phase of application.

The feedback opinions from the attending conferees, therefore, are more than welcome, Prof. Hsu indicated. “Because we should consult the success story from the winner to find our ways to amend the mistakes we made in the past.” as he continued to elaborate on the subject.

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