NO. 491

TKU’s Center for Publication Will Soon Be Re-opened

To instigate scholarly research on the part of faculty and students, and to help publishing the academic research papers and journals, a Center for Publication, TKU, will be re-opened on August 1, this year as the 78th Administrative meeting held on December 21, last year, passed a resolution to this effect.

The Center for Publication will also be in charge of printing textbooks and teaching materials.

Pres. Chang Horng-jihn will be the Publisher of the publications of the Center.

The Center will be delegated with 4 major duties: 1) to publish and issue academic research books, scholarly journals, textbooks and multi-media teaching materials; 2) at a time when an academic writing, be it generated inside or outside TKU campus, needs an external printer, the Center will step in as a legitimate intermediary; 3) to apply for an ISSN and a catalogue index for every academic journal and 4) any related duties in connection with printing and publishing.

As for ascertaining the legitimacy and qualification of any scholarly journal, it will still be screened and reviewed by such extant mechanisms as the individual editor’s board in the related colleges as well as TKU Evaluation and Screening Committee.

The Center will be accredited to be a junior (2nd) level unit, to be supervised by Office of Research and Development.

As for “Journal of Science & Engineering”, “Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences”, six international journals published by various colleges, 3 textbooks such as “Freshmen English”, “The Futures Studies” and “An Introduction to Information Processing”, they all will be henceforth handled by the Center for printing and publication.

Another brand-new feature of the Center is that in the future, every international journal published by TKU will have to apply for an ISSN and a catalogue index such as CI, SCI, SSCI, EI, etc. to denote the selfsame academic standard.

As early as the 70’s, owing to the farsighted vision of Dr. Clement C.P. Chang, Founder of TKU, a Publication Division was established at TKU (later, it assumed a new name: “The Center for Publication”). It was a 1st level unit only to be dissolved in the 90’s due to malfunctioning of management. During its heyday, it had published a prestigious journal “Tomorrow’s World”, compiled and published a series of good books and enjoyed wide-margin distinction and popularity among the academicians. Ching Sheng Book Store also played a vital role then in printing and publishing many useful and influential textbooks. Besides, Tamkang Times was also one of the major activities of the Center.

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