NO. 564


There have been some 40 odd strange objects installed all over the campus, which attract some puzzling and curious stares from everyone. What we witness are the results of the works created by the first year students of the Department of Architecture under the project entitled “Installation of seats”. For example, the colorful balloons on the trees around the corner of the College of Liberal Arts; a spider web in the Garden for the Blind behind the Business and Management Building; ropes on the trees on the Shepard’s Meadow by the Post Office and some more seat-like objects by the Girls’ Dormitory.

“We were urged by our teachers to utilize the concept of space and environment to install devices that can function as seats”, points out by Wei Ju-wei, the class representative. Consequently, he and his classmates carefully chose the places all over campus to install their works. He is currently installing his work by the horizontal bars on the track and field ground. He chose this particular location for its reclusive quality and panoramic view amidst the constant noise and people passing by. It embodies, he adds, a detached atmosphere that is far away from all worldly interferences such as city life and crowds.

His classmate, Wu Jie-yuan, designed the spider web in the Garden for the Blind behind the Business and Management Building. He first set up an object with six sides then he wrapped some cotton ropes around it, so now it resembles a spider’s web. He sees it as a perfect location, where pedestrian traffic mills through constantly, to install a concentric network-like web symbolizing a meeting place from all directions. This seat, he explains, is to entertain the possibility of how a person can begin to spin a web after long hours of waiting.

All the class’ works are open to the public, so whoever is interested in these installations, please hurry along before they are taken, well… away.

NO.564 | Update:2010-09-27 | Clicks:1439 | Download:

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