英文電子報 2004-09-27


To let overseas exchange students from sister universities experience a typical Chinese holiday, the Office of International Exchanges and International Education held a Moon Festival party for them. After the addresses by the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Feng Chao-kang, and the Director of the Office of International Exchanges, Chen Hwei-mei, three overseas student representatives told the story of Chang-er flying to the moon in Chinese, English and Japanese, while a multinational cast played an international version of the famous story. Despite the autumn rain outside, the Reitaku International House was alive with students’ passionate participation. The performers on stage gave their best and the audience applauded warmly. Laughter and high spirit filled the house.

The Office of International Exchanges prepared many Chinese delicacies for overseas to sample: grapefruits, various flavors of moon cakes, Chinese tea and desserts. Moon Festival is a day for family reunion; although these exchange students are far away from home, all of them felt the warmth of Tamkang University that night at the party.

NO.582 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1512 | 下載:

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