英文電子報 2004-11-01


So far Tamkang University has one hundred and eighty thousands alumni, who distinguish themselves in various fields. Since 1988, in every anniversary celebration, TKU has presented “Golden Eagle Awards” to selected alumni in honor of their distinctive achievements. This year six male alumni are endowed with this honor and respect, and are to receive the awards on November 8, 2004. They are: Hsun Cheng, Horng-jinh Chang, Ying-wei Tsao, Yu-ming Chang, Ching-huei Wu, and Ming-te Wang.

The “Golden Eagle Award” was established by Dr. Tien-fu Lin, Honorary Chair of Borad of Trustees, in 1988. The TKU alumni association nominates candidates. Then, an appraisal committee, consisted of scholars, experts, government officials, and social celebrities, choose the winners.

Mr. Hsun Cheng, graduated in 1957 from English Department, has lived and started his career in the U.S. Presently, as President of International Bank of California he devotes himself to public affairs and serving overseas Chinese. He used to be Director of Association of Tamkang Alumni, South California, and made efforts to unify TKU alumni and promote activities of the association.

Dr. Horng-jinh Chang, got his Ph. D. in 1980 from Graduate Institute of Management Science. He had served in TKU in the positions of department chair, dean, vice-president, and president. In his six-year-term of TKU President, he made TKU an international acclaimed university and one of the best private universities in Taiwan.

Mr. Ying-wei Tsao graduated in 1975 from Dept. of Computer Science (Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering). After graduating from TKU, he continued to study in the U.S. and earn his master degrees in both Computer Science and Business Administration. He established Linksys Cooperation Group. After selling Linksys to Cisco Co. with fifty million US dollars, he was elected as one of most distinguished Asian Americans.

Mr. Yu-ming Chang, graduated from Graduate Institute of Architecture, TKU, in 1986. After he earned his Ph. D. in Civil Engineering from National Chiao Tung University, he devoted himself to education and was endowed with Accomplished Teacher Award by Ministry of Education. Presently, he is President of De Lin Institute of Technology.

Mr. Ching-huei Wu, graduated from Dept of Physics in 1977. He established Unity Opto Technology Co., Ltd, a major manufacturer of optoelectronic components and assemblies. In addition to his eager efforts to help TKU graduates in pursuit of their careers, he donates NT. 500,000 dollars as scholarship for TKU students.

After Mr. Ming-te Wang graduated from English Dept. in 1998, he volunteered to teach indigenous people in the mountain area of Nantou County. He led his aboriginal students to attend the national English Short Play Competition and won the first prize. Recently, he is endowed with Award of Individual Achievement in Social Education by Ministry of Education.

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