體育焦點 2003-12-08


In order to safeguard the operation of electronic documentation and data transmission for an electronic teaching platform, TKU Faculty and staff over 18 of age with Republic of China citizenship can apply for a Citizen Digital Certificate (CDC), an electronic ID card between now and November 18th. Those who wish to apply please go to the related offices to get the collect forms. 11 members from different offices have been authorized by the Ministry of Interior (MOI) to take charge of this project and screen applicants. The MIO states that the application will be free of charge before December this year, but will cost 275 NT dollars next year as an incentive to encourage people to submit their application as soon as possible.

President Chang Horng-jinh sees the merits of such a system and states that this certificate will facilitate TKU e-data and information-oriented education such as electronic document system, teaching platform, and grading system. He has appointed a project team to promote collective applications to a screening committee of 11 members that include Ku Ming-hua, Chu Pei-yin, Ling Kung-kang, Peng Tai-ying, He Yi-ping, Wang Ming-jing, Zhu Jia-ying, Lee Ching-ts, Lee Lin, Chen Mei-dai, and Lee Ching-chun. These members have been approved and authorized by the MIO. Faculty and staff members who wish to apply are advised to go to their offices with their own individual ID card and fill in an application form with personal data such as name, ID number, date of birth, e-mail address, phone number and a signature.

To meet the needs of the future electronic document system, Hsu Hsiang-lung, Chief of TKU Project Development Section, indicates that CDC is a must for individual identification and matching users with their on-line statement. It is also necessary for other data systems such as the on-line enquiry system of grades. The implementation of CDC will enhance not only the usability but also the safety of our data transmission system. TKU is the first educational body that has applied to the MOI for the implementation of CDC.

According to regulations set by the MOI, the validity of CDC is five years. In the case of loss in this period of time, owners should immediately inform with other identification papers to the school authority in order to cancel it. After that, they should report to the Certificate Authority MOI on-line or to the Household Registration Office in person to suspend it. For more information, TKU has set up a web page dealing with all related issues. Please go to http://www.tku.edu.tw/natcert/.

According to the MOI, every governmental organization will be allowed to have access to the identity of online users so as to provide better personal service after implementation CDC system. So far the government has made 57 of its services online such as online payment of Taiwan Highway Authority, online taxation report, online application of Bureau of Labor Insurance, online enquiry of Chung-hwa Telecom, Cell Phone Division, online registration of companies etc. It is aimed to have a total of 1500 online services in the future.

NO.556 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1176 | 下載:

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