英文電子報 2005-03-28


TKU President, Dr. Flora Chang, accompanied by Feng Chao-kang, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Chen Hwui-mei, the Director of Office of International Exchanges and International Education (OIEIE) and Peng Chuen-yang, the Head of the Japanese Department, made a two-day trip visiting Nagasaki University (NU) as well as Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies (NUFS), two of TKU sister universities in Japan, last Tuesday (March 22nd). The purpose of her trip was to sign a protocol with the former university and meet with the high-level administrators from both universities for further cooperation.

Upon her arrival in Japan, Dr. Flora Chang and her team were given a warm reception by the President, Dr. Hi-roshi Saito and Vice President, Dr. Sigeru Katamine, of the Nagasaki University. During which, Dr. Hi-roshi Saito expressed his gratitude to Flora Change for the hospitality he and his team received when they visited Tamkang four months ago for a signing ceremony that cemented the partnership relationship between TKU and them. They were deeply impressed by the extent of digitalization on TKU campus and the super efficiency of OIEIE. Apparently, as a result of that trip, a protocol regarding future academic exchanges had been drawn up and was signed by both parties on March 23rd.

Soon after this visit, Dr. Flora Chang and her team arrived at NUFS to meet with Mr. Toshiaki Yamamoto, the Board of Director of the university and its president, Dr. Akimasa Mitsuta. Together they spoke about the pending visit of the first two exchange students from TKU coming to NUFS for the Junior Year Abroad Program as the university has high anticipation for their arrival. Dr. Chang also used this opportunity to extend a formal invitation, which was gladly accepted, to both of them and their wives to visit TKU in November for the celebration of 55th TKU inauguration.

Senior administrators concerning academic exchanges were present as well to discuss details with TKU. Later, Dr. Chang and her entourage were shown around the campus, in particular, the accommodation facilities for the future female exchange students. In the evening the university threw a dinner party in the honor of TKU delegates, who enjoyed thoroughly this brief, but a delightful and rich experience. (Ying-hsueh Hu )

NO.602 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1596 | 下載:

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