英文電子報 2006-11-27


During the third Wind Engineering Week of TKU, an exhibition showing models and films was unveiled last Wednesday, November 22 at the lobby of the Main Engineering Building. The aim of the exhibition was to explain to the public what wind engineering is about and hope to attract talents to get involved in this important science. In order to encouraged attendance, a lucky draw was also arranged.

TKU Wind Engineering Research Center, who was the organizer of the event, has been active in providing their services to industries. Their services include consulting work on wind and atmospheric impacts on buildings and structures, wind tunnel and other digitalized simulations, weather pattern analysis, and accreditation. Their have worked on cases such as the Twin Star Building by the Taipei Main Station, the cable cart Pa Wu Station in Kaoshiung and several other famous landmarks around Taiwan.

In promoting the study and research of wind engineering, the Center provides two generous scholarships for excellent students. The first one offers NT$ 240,000 for the initial two years of study, whereas the recipient of the second scholarship will get NT$ 120,000 for the same period of study. ( ~Ying-hsueh Hu )

Picture: The exhibition was open by Dr. Flora Chang (second from the left) and Dr. Kao Po-yuan, the Vice President for the Administrative Affairs (first from the left), Dr. Chen Kan-nan, the Director of Office of the Research and Development (third from the left) were also invited. Dr. Cheng Chii-ming the Director of the Wind Engineering Research Center (first from the right) led his fellow researchers and students were explaining the models, which are real cases they have worked on.

NO.662 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1618 | 下載:

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