英文電子報 2007-03-05


In the annual Chinese New Year Celebration at the end of February this year, President Chang, accompanied by her two Vice Presidents, brought everyone to their tears, through laughter of course, with their adoring Spanish Flamingo dance. President Chang donned in a traditional red and black Flamingo dress while Vice Presidents Feng and Kao dressed up as cowboys, whirled around on stage, clapping hands and stamping feet with the rhythm of the Spanish guitar. Their professional, though short, performance in the newly finished Gymnasium was the highlight of the celebration.

President Chang’s buoyant performance also indicates her style of leadership, which is open, adventurous and energetic. With this spirit, she reminded her faculty and staff in another occasion of Chinese New Year celebration that Taiwan in general and TKU in particular should not become complacent, as the competitiveness of Taiwan among the four Asian Dragons (namely Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea and Taiwan) is slipping. High-tech development and collaboration with international forces will be the only way for TKU to move forward, so she urges everyone to instill such an attitude in their students. She also mentioned that Vice President Kao would organize more visits to and exchanges with various international institutions in the future. ( ~Ying-hsueh Hu )

NO.668 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1671 | 下載:

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