英文電子報 2007-03-05


The 2007 Spring Semester Opening Ceremony for international students was held at Ching Sheng International Conference Hall on March 2, presided by Dr. Feng Chao-kang, the Vice President for Academic Affairs. He welcomed the 51 international students from Japan, France, Czech Republic, Austria, Germany, Korea and some South American countries by wishing them a great and successful semester. He was pleased seeing so many different faces of various nationalities, which is a sign of TKU’s triumphant efforts in internationalizing its campus.

During the ceremony, each student introduced him/herself in Chinese. One of the eight Japanese students brought the house down by the usage of a classical Chinese idiom “Shih er hou yi”, meaning “to die with satisfaction” or “to have no regret” in the context that he would work hard to learn Chinese language, culture and history so that he will have no regret when he leaves Taiwan!

Following the ceremony, the Office of International Exchanges and International Education hosted a sticky rice ball reception to celebrate the end of Chinese New Year, which is also known as the Lantern Festival for the international students. While savoring this Chinese delicatessen, students were also learning about the customs and history of Chinese culture. ( ~Ying-hsueh Hu )

NO.668 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1710 | 下載:

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