英文電子報 2007-03-12


This is color pencil drawing! Can you believe it?

The works “Dim light” took Yang Ching-yi, the exhibition coordinator of Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center, a half year to finish. Drawn with 300s hydrophilic and oil color pencils, it is also one work in the exhibition of “Flowers’ Paintings”. Yang Ching-yi used color pencils as she patiently and carefully finished of a 74 by 51 cm drawing. She indicated, “It was very difficult, but definitely worth the challenge.”

Yang Ching-yi who has been devoted to pressed flower art is the current supervisor of “World Association of Art of Flower-Pressing in Taiwan”. She had been invited to represent Taiwan and participate in pressed flower exhibition in Philadelphia of U.S.A. many times. As a representative of Taiwan, she also participated in an international contest for first time many years ago: “the world contest of flower-pressing art contest Japan 2001”. From 6000 race-entry works of whole world, her outstanding works were honored with “judges’ honorable reward”. Moreover, she won the best creation reward of European International Multiple Media”. Her collection of works published lately is considered as the classics of pressed flower art. The picture is the front cover of her works collection.

On March 16, Friday, this week, there is a “Chinese Ink Painting ” at the Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center, with 9 artists invited for a on-the-spot presentation of their brushworks. All teachers and students are welcome to join the event. ( ~Johnny Chu )

NO.669 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:2263 | 下載:

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