英文電子報 2007-04-16


Department of Aerospace Engineering held an annual event “the week of aerospace” last week. In addition to exhibition of department uniforms, trophies over the years, souvenirs, and remote control airplanes, etc., contests including “water rocket,” “flying cans” and “hand-throwing plane” all based on the tradition of event are educational and entertaining to let students to use their wisdom and profession. As the theory of counterforce of shooting a rocket, the “water rocket” pressurized after filling up water in the water bottle is installed with a special spray nozzle to shoot towards the bull eye of target.

The group led by Lai Chung-hung, first grader in Department of Aerospace Engineering, won the first place, and the water rocket hit perfectly right on the bull eye in surprise. Lai happily said, “It’s so amazing! The bull eye is very small and difficult to aim, but we really made it.”

For the game of “flying can,” hollow aluminum cans with taking off the top and bottom parts provided by contestants are required. Wrapped with tape or rubber band and applying various theories, aerodynamic as an example, taught at the class, students use bare hands to throw the cans forward to the air as far as possible.

Hu Su-hao, third grader in Department of Aerospace Engineering, who won the first place, said, “Winning is awesome. It is such a great accomplishment taking me more than 10 minutes to finish it, even with a tail-cutting fin on it. And other people spent just 1 or 2 minutes.”

With one thin piece of Balsa provided for the “hand-throwing plane” contest, the contestants shape the plane with sand papers. At the place, students from UAV lab of Department of Aerospace Engineering assist on planes and fins shaping. Contestants try to have the longest time having the planes stay over the air. After the competitive contest, Song De-shiang, first grader in Department of Aerospace Engineering won the game. ( ~Johnny Chu )

NO.673 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1597 | 下載:

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