英文電子報 2007-11-12


The campus fair of TKU anniversary celebration on November 3rd had turned the poster-street into a boisterous market. Accessories, garments, sports goods, “marble soda,” and side dishes were sold in this market. Many exotic foods were introduced by overseas Chinese students, and some interesting games such as the anger-venting “water ball” heightened the ambience of the fair.

The “water-ball-shooting,” hosted by the Department of Management Sciences and Decision Making, attracted many participants. And the staffs were soaked by the water balls but all were happy. The marble machines common in the night markets were clicked by passionate children, who stayed put in front of the machines excitedly. Moreover, as you walked into the poster-street, you would smell the intermittent fragrance, with various stalls hawking their delicious foods. The poster-street became a fine food street. The overseas Chinese union also prepares many different foreign foods derived from their local countries, creating an exotic aura.

At the same time, the Lion-puppets Group formed by overseas Chinese students brought their new lion into the fair to express good wishes for Tamkang university. Dean of Office of Student Affairs, Dr. Chiang Ding-an hosted the life-giving ritual by painting the pupils of the new lion with red ink. The rumbling drum attracted many students to surround the ceremony.

This lion is the fourth lion added to the crew since the lion-puppets group founded 7 years ago by overseas Chinese students. They often performed inside or outside of campuses; hence, some lions were torn and weathered. This year they decide to buy a new lion to pour the new breath into this group. According to the traditional dancing-lion ritual, the new-buy lion is must given the eyes. Dr. Chiang dotted the red ink on 13 points of the lion--the brow, eyebrows, eyes, ears, and feet--to prey for the Spirit to instill spirit and vitality into the lion puppet. After completing this ritual, the four lions went to the front of the stalls with the joyful steps and gave the congratulation. The representative of the overseas students gave lucky red envelopes to the lions, and in returns the lovable lions retched out auspicious candies for the students, who witnessed this activity. (~ Jaime Liu )

NO.694 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1971 | 下載:

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