英文電子報 2007-12-24


Under the guidance of Associate Professor Liaw Heh-tyan, students of Dept. of Information Management stood out from 181 teams from 59 universities in “The 12th National Collegiate Competition of Innovative Information Service and Management,” co-held by Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs, and Chinese Society of Information Management, and won the first prize in the Section of Information Application and fourth place in the Section of Information Techniques. This is the fourth time that Dept. of Information Management has good performance in the contest.

The subject of the first prize in Information Application Section is “Interactive 3D Navigation System.” The team leader, Lee Yin-fu (senior, Dept. of Information Management), indicated, “We are very happy that our effort for more than one year is recognized by the judges. Although it was quite difficult to gather information within a short time, we still tried hard to overcome the problems.” The judges gave positive evaluation to the high similarity between the practical environment and the data simulated by students. If it can be designed according to the standards of GPS and GIS, their system can be compatible with that used in the industrial field nowadays.

“Full-Scale Celestial Globe” is the work that won the fourth-place in Information Techniques Section. Tsai Chieh-ming (senior, Dept. of Information Management), team leader responsible for the preparation of the system, demonstrated, “It is very difficult to classify star catalogues because the information of celestial bodies are very multifarious and ways of measuring them are diverse. However, we collect and refer to many information to categorize celestial bodies effectively so that users of our system can freely choose the range they want to observe.”

In addition, instructed by Liang Te-chao, Associate Professor of Dept. of Information Management, one TKU team formed by three students, including Chin Chia-hao, Wei Tzu-hsuan (second grade of MA program, Dept. of Information Management) and Wang Chih-ching (junior, Dept. of Information Management), won the Golden Shield Prize with a certificate and a NT 30 thousand reward out of 50 teams coming from 24 universities in “The 2nd National Collegiate Golden-Shield Contest of Information Security,” hosted by Institute for Information Industry.

The competitors in the contest need to do the immediate response or pass the game on the Internet platform to get the golden keys to the questions about some techniques and concepts of information security. Wei Tzu-hsuan indicated, “To prepare for the contest, we studied how to crack different softwares and cryptography in the meeting held every week. I hope that there will be more juniors who are interested in these aspects to participate in the competition next time.” (~ Shu-chun Yen )

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