英文電子報 2008-10-20


Sponsored by Tamkang Campus Fellowship and Hualien High-school Alumni Association, the CTI performance ended in wonderful music on Oct. 16.

The leading singer’s zealous voice stirred up the students’ emotions, and the warm and passionate rhythms of the rock and roll music made them high throughout. Trying to accord with the Chinese culture, the leading singer even sang the lyric “You give us new life, and we give ourselves to you” in Chinese. This invited excited screams and whistling from the student audience. The Band also gave a sweet, warm and simple personal drama, sharing their life story with, and showing the truth of love to the audience. At the end, the singers were even dancing and jumping on the platform, almost forgetting themselves, and that reached the climax. The waves of “encores” strongly echoed at the end. The punk-headed bass-guitarist Kolin smilingly said, “This is the most beautiful university I have ever been to, and I really like waving my arms with the students and enjoying the sense of music.” English major senior student, Wan-yu Chen zealously expressed, “I really enjoyed today’s performance and hope the university will have more performances like this.” ( ~Dean X. Wang )

NO.728 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1598 | 下載:

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