英文電子報 2009-03-02


Want to travel around Taiwan by delicious food? The 2009 United Cultural Week will hold its opening ceremony on Poster Street at noon, March 2. From March 2 (Monday) to 6 (Friday), 4 PM, you can go there to taste various kinds of delicious food from all over Taiwan.

The 2009 United Cultural Week is co-held by 16 alumni associations, including Keelung Alumni Association, Sanchong-Lujou Alumni Association, the United High-school Alumni Association of Taoyuan and Miaoli Region, Hsinchu High-school Alumni Association, Taichung Region High-school Alumni Association, Chiai and Yunlin High-school Alumni Association, Changhua High-school Alumni Association, Tainan Middle School Alumni Association, Erh Ch’I High-school Alumni Association, Pingtung High-school Alumni Association, Kaohsiung Shiaugang High-school Alumni Association, Hualien High-school Alumni Association, Ilan High-school Alumni Association, Kinmen High-school Alumni Association, Penghu High-school Alumni Association, Yuan(Roots) Society.

Wu Chieh-hsun, the president of Erh Ch’I High-school Alumni Association, and a sophomore of Dept. of Transportation Management, is the coordinator of Cultural Week this year. He said, “Cultural Week is like a funfest with merry atmosphere, in which people can experience more about the features and cultures of Taiwan.”

Pingtung High-school Alumni Association uses the hot movie Cape No. 7 as its main theme, selling the movie related products like glass bead charms, and other featured food from Pingtung, such as glutinous rice cake covered with brown sugar and spearfish Tempura. Their 50-NTD souvenir T-shirts were also sold to raise money for Pingtung Bethany Home. Yuan(Roots) Society prepares aboriginal salty pork and handmade Mochi. Kaohsiung Shiaugang High-school Alumni Association not only sells taro cakes, butter buns, but also offers some little games like bowling, flag game and baseball Jiugong Ge game. Apart from the sun cakes and chicken claws, Taichung Region High-school Alumni Association provides 36 bowls of Feng-jen ice at noon every day during the Week. As for Hsinchu High-school Alumni Association, they have rice noodle and Taiwanese Meatballs.

Moreover, you can make a glass bead charm by yourself and taste Hakka Ground Tea, and there will be a senior high uniform shows on Friday, 12 PM to 1PM. The popular Taiwanese snacks such as ox tongue cake from Ilan, dried tofu from Dashi, Taoyuan, peanut candy from Kinman, brown sugar cake from Penghu will make passers-by mouth-watering. As long as you come to Poster Street, you can taste all these local food from different places of Taiwan.

Besides eating delicious food, don’t miss the chance of drawing lots for big prize! The lantern-riddle game will be held at 12:15 PM from March 3 to 5, and the prizes include bicycles, i-Pods, and the local products offered by all the alumni associations. The lucky winners will be drawn out at 12:15 PM on March 6 (Friday).

Apart from the stalls full of tasty smell, there is a static display at Black Swan Exhibition Hall (located within Maritime Museum), held by Hsinchu High-school Alumni Association, Taichung Region High-school Alumni Association, Hualien High-school Alumni Association, Kaohsiung Shiaugang High-school Alumni Association, and Pingtung High-school Alumni Association. They make many miniatures of famous local scenic spots of Taiwan, and offer guides at the exhibition hall explaining the cultural features of these places. Hualien High-school Alumni Association advertises the toxic-free agriculture and arranges a mime show in which some students play the hard-working farmers. Pingtung High-school Alumni Association elaborately builds a 3-meter long King Boat to introduce the Donggang King Boat Ceremony, which is organized by Donglong temple every three years. In addition, there are many 3D maps of different counties and cities, making the exhibition hall into a miniature of Taiwan. ( ~ Shu-chun Yen )

NO.742 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:2139 | 下載:

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