英文電子報 2009-03-09


Flower fragrance is overflowing on TKU campus, and the beautiful blossoms of azaleas are waving their welcomes to the TKU alumni. TKU Founder Clement C.P. Chang and the President Flora C.I. Chang are welcoming and entertaining TKU alumni at the “2009 Spring Festival” organized by the Office of Alumni Service and Resources Development at the Student Activity Center on the coming Saturday (March 14) at 10:00 am.

The Director of the Office of Alumni Service and Resources Development, Wen-fa Sye has said that the “Spring Festival” is TKU’s grand annual tea party for the usually bustling alumni to meet faculty members, talk about the old days and exchange personal experiences. It promotes positive feelings toward the alma mater. All participants will have a set of alumnus honor cards. So far the president of the Alumni Association of the Department of Chemical Material Engineering Shui-tian Chen, the director of Alumnus Association of the Department of Japanese Zhen-sheng Zhang and other alumni association presidents and directors will return to take part in the great Feast.

The alumni chorus will invite all alumni to sing “The Evening Primrose,”

“The Resounding Applause” and “Red for All Four Seasons,” etc. The songs will hopefully bring back old memories and feelings. To enhance the fun and add the lively atmosphere for the activity, the Office of Alumni Service and Resources Development has also invited Dengkong Elementary School Dance Group to perform. As last year’s ordered snacks were highly praised, the Office has also ordered more similar snacks for the alumni to enjoy with fragrant tea. During the singing and dancing performances, there will be lots drawing activities. The prizes include “Bon Voyage—Gold Foil Souvenir” by the TKU Founder, TKU Anniversary Commemorative Stamps and other fine and beautiful gifts by many alumni presidents and directors.

There will be free picking up buses from and to the Tamsui MRT Station and guides leading alumni to the buses which coming to TKU every 15 minutes from 9:15 to 10:00 am. All alumni are welcome. ( ~Dean X. Wang)

NO.743 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1725 | 下載:

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