英文電子報 2010-05-17


The Experiment Theatre (L209) has been crowded with audiences during the yearly drama performances by six departments of College of Foreign Languages and Literatures. Some latecomers have to sit on the floor of the theatre to enjoy the show. “Before the pubic performance, we practice until 12 p.m. everyday. Seeing the great performance of the actors and the hot response of the audience, I feel that all the labors are worthwhile” said Teng Shih-yu, senior of Dept. of English, director of the play.

The play showed on May 6, Who is it, was performed by students of Dept. of German who took the sophomore “German Drama” class. The play tell about the fantastic journey of a girl who failed in college entrance exam, disappointed her mother, and choosing to end her life by jumping over the bridge . Chen Ling, a junior of Dept. of German, commented that “they are wonderful for being only sophomores.”

Everyman, was performed by students of Dept. of English, on May 12 and 13. It deals with the reactions and anxiety of normal people in facing death. It is a traditional morality play, featuring the humanity of the protagonist “Everyman,” which is converted into a modern musical, with elements of Hip Hop, Rap, and other pop music. Fu Ting-hua, a sophomore of Dept. of Chinese, remarked that “the mixture with modern dance brightens the audience’s eyes.” ( ~Chen Chi-szu )

NO.787 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:2148 | 下載:

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