英文電子報 2010-09-13


The yearly Tanhai Same Boat, symposium for leaders of student clubs and associations, began with cheer, applause, and songs. In the opening ceremony, President C. I. Chang indicated that in this year, TKU will hold her 60th anniversary, and it is also a year of club to celebrate the 45th anniversary of the camp, so it is expected that the total number of the club members will be doubled. President Chang expected the participants of the camp to become successful club CEO, and did their best to recruit new members, and she reminded them “do not neglect your health and studying when you devote to club activities.”

The theme for the camp this year is “Same Boat Exposition.” Wu Chuan-luen, a senior of Dept. of Economics, chief executive of the camp, said that the 200 and more participants were like the Old Nanny Liu in the classical novel, who was amazed by the strange and curious views in the great Garden. The 5-day camp took place respectively in Tamsui campus and Lanyang campus. In “A Master Forum for Club Management” held at Clement Chang International Conference Hall, Wan Hui-fen and other TKU alumni were invited to share their experience in club management. The participants were active in asking questions and exchange opinions. Chung Ching-fong, sophomore of Dept. of Industrial Economics, club leader of Wind Ensemble Club, expressed that the school seniors’ experience were quite valuable.

In the past, “service learning” was proceed in the classroom; this year it was replaced with “service learning practice.” Wu Chuan-luen remarked that the participants’ response to this activity was all positive, for they all agreed that services should be practiced in everyday life of the community. Chung Ching-fong said that all participants were excellent, for they can organize an activity in 10 to 15 minutes without shame and complaint, and completed the performance in time. He would bring what he learned in the camp to his club. ( ~Chen Chi-szu )

NO.794 | 更新時間:2010-09-13 | 點閱:2829 | 下載:

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