新聞萬花筒 2010-12-15

Roasted Turkeys and English Conversations

The English Conversation Club (ECC) held a “Love and Thanks 2010” Thanksgiving party on the evening of Nov. 24. Apart from playing a number of Thanksgiving games, there were also magic shows – put on by the TKU Magic Society – and a smorgasbord of delicious food. The lively atmosphere brought warmth to the cold winter evening.

During the evening, Department of English Assoc Prof, Darrel Paul Doty, gave an explanation in English of the origin and meaning of Thanksgiving. One of the students who took part, Lin Yiwen, commented: “I’ve never celebrated Thanksgiving before. Today’s event has given me a deeper appreciation for the festival, and a better understanding of the English Conversation Club.

NO.805 | 更新時間:2010-12-22 | 點閱:2273 | 下載:

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