英文電子報 2010-12-17

Lessons Learned at Tamkang

Tamkang University’s 60th anniversary is approaching. As such, a series of promotional activities have been organized, including a press conference for the soon-to-be-released movie, “Lessons Learned at Tamkang”. The press conference is scheduled to be held at Eslite Bookstore’s Hsin Yi store, Taipei City, on the afternoon of October 26, with an estimated attendance of close to 200 people, including Tamkang alumni, faculty heads, and reporters.

TKU commissioned the production of the film as part of its extensive Diamond Jubilee celebrations, and as a testimony to the liberal and diverse spirit of TKU education. The film’s directors include Chen Hui-ling, the director of “Next Station, Happiness” and winner of this year’s Golden Bell Award for the category Best Director of a Drama Series; Yang Ya-zhe, a regular at the Golden Bell Awards and director of the 2008 Taiwanese box-office sensation, Orz Boys; and Xu Ming-chun, the director of several acclaimed documentary films, including “Baseball in Taiwan – A Tale of a Hundred Years” and “Stars are Born”. Applying their own brand of direction, each drew from the myriad scenes, sights, and sounds imprinted in their memories of university, to create a vivid take on Tamkang life.

Cinema is not the only medium TKU has employed to depict its unique style of education during the Diamond Jubilee. A music video was also produced, of TKU alumnus and singer, Summer Lei, who performed a ballad tribute to TKU’s 60th anniversary, “The Fruit of 60 Years”. The music video has attracted an extensive audience on youtube.com, while the film “Lessons Learned at Tamkang” has generated a fan club page on Facebook and a blog site. A Youtube link to the movie has also been established on the Diamond Jubilee section of the TKU website. Literally one mouse-click away, the movie will become a platform, from which current students and alumni in every corner of the world may connect and reconnect with the ever-flowing source of creative energy and innovation that is Tamkang.

NO.800 | 更新時間:2010-12-17 | 點閱:2388 | 下載:

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