英文電子報 2010-12-17

The TKU Diamond Jubilee Concert Kicks Off

On the 5th of November, at 5:30pm on the dot, crowds began to pour into the TKU Student Activity Center. They came to see the TKU Diamond Jubilee Concert, which boasted a dazzling line up of TKU alumni artists, including acclaimed singers Ricky Xiao and Crowd Lu.

First up was Ricky Xiao, who performed award winning ballads and sent the crowd into a frenzy. Then came numbers by Shi Hsiao-rong, Claire, and Ma Nien-hsien, as the music moved from 70’s folk to pop, and featured humorous commentary in between.

The climax of the evening came when Crowd Lu walked onto the stage to perform his hit song “Oh! Yeah!” He began his much anticipated performance to the delighted shrieks of the audience. And each time he reached the chorus, the crowd below would chime in, screaming “Oh! Yeah!” At the end of the concert, the host of the evening – TKU alumnus and high profile TV personality, Bu Xue Liang – complied with audience demands, and sang a brief passage from one of his hit ballads, to once again send the crowd into hysterics and deliver a perfect finale to an incredible evening.

International Business student, Wang Qun-yu, said “I started lining up for the concert around noon today. It was such an amazing concert. It was worth the long wait!”

NO.803 | 更新時間:2010-12-21 | 點閱:2382 | 下載:

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