書香聊天室 2011-02-14



1. 打工 moonlight

2. 蛤仔 clam

3. 海參 sea cucumber

4. 芹菜 celery

5. 蝦子 shrimp

6. 韭菜 leek

7. 花枝 squid

8. 豬肉 pork

9. 水餃 dumpling

10. 鍋貼 pot sticker

11. 酸辣湯 hot and sour soup

12. 小菜 side dish

13. 自律 discipline


1. 我下課之後要去打工。

I have _____ after _____.

2. 你在煩惱什麼,我實在猜不透!

I have ___ ___ what ___ are ___ ___!

3. 我最愛吃的海鮮是海參和蛤仔。

_____ _____ and _______ are my favorite_____.

4. 你喜歡芹菜炒蝦仁嗎?

Do you like fried _____ with _____?

5. 我比較喜歡吃韭菜炒花枝。

I _____ _____ with _____.

6. 豬肉韭菜水餃或鍋貼都好吃!

_____ and _____ _____ or _____ are _____!

7. 水餃配酸辣湯最棒了!

_____ taste _____ with _____ and __________!

8. 他們有什麼小菜?

What _____ _____ do they have?

9. 幫我拿一盤豆乾、一盤干絲、一盤毛豆!

Could you ____ one ____ ____, one _________, and one _____ for me?

10. 自由和自律都不可少!

_____ and _____ are _____ important!


1. I have moonlighting after school.

2. I have no idea what you're worried about.

3. Sea cucumbers and clams are my favorite seafood.

4. Do you like fried celery with shrimp?

5. I prefer leek with squid.

6. Pork and leek dumplings or potstickers are great!

7. Dumplings taste great with hot-and-sour soup.

8. What side dishes do they have?

9. Could you get one dried tofu, one shredded tofu, and one peas for me?

10. Freedom and discipline are equally important!

NO.812 | 更新時間:2011-02-14 | 點閱:1878 | 下載:

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