英文電子報 2011-03-01

Women Sharing a Chemical Moment in Time

100 years have lapsed since Marie Sklodowska Curie was honored with her second Nobel Prize for her contribution in the field of science. To commemorate this tremendous feat and to celebrate women in science, a special anniversary event was held last month, on the 18th of January. The event ‘Women Sharing a Chemical Moment in Time’ connected female scientists from 37 countries around the world, who came together via webcam for a round of discussions over breakfast. The online discussion was planned by University of Queensland’s professor Mary Garson. It was then organized and hosted by the TKU Department of Chemistry. In her opening speech, Director of the TKU Department of Chemistry, Wu Chia-li, said that in this, the first such activity of the year, she hoped to facilitate an exchange of academic opinions and experiences between female scientists worldwide. The discussion focused mainly on how to encourage young members of society to enter professional fields related to science, as well as the difficulties currently faced by female scientists. Liu Pei-yi, a participant in the event, observed that “there are in fact many outstanding female scientists working in research or science-related fields”. She explained that taking part in the online discussion allowed her to see how different government policies can directly affect and determine attitudes to women in the workforce and at home. “The government in Taiwan should work to revise and improve policy related to women in the workforce. I’m sure that with the right conditions, women – with their keen eye for detail and abundant creativity – could in every way match men in the workforce.

NO.812 | 更新時間:2011-03-01 | 點閱:2310 | 下載:

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