英文電子報 2011-03-01

The TKU Faculty Farewell Tea Party

On the 14th of January, Tamkang University held a TKU Faculty Farewell Tea Party, a tribute to TKU teachers retiring at the end of this semester. The seven TKU teachers and employees set to retire were invited as guests of honor. They include Prof. Huang Fan-guang, from the Department of History; Assoc. Prof. Liu Kwok-on from the Department of Physics; Prof. Ye-fun from the Department of Electrical Engineering; Prof. Gai Che-sheng from the TKU Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Leadership; the Director of the Division of Continuing Education, Chiou Jwu-lin; and Lu Chin-chih, a staff member from the Office of Academic Affairs’ Registration Section.

Tribute speeches were made by the President of TKU, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang; the Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs and Administrative Affairs, Dr. Gwo-Hsing Yu and Dr. Po-yuan Kao respectively; the Chairman of the TKU Women’s Association, Huang Hong-chu; and the Chairman of the TKU Retired Employee Association, Lin Yun-shan. They presented each of the teachers with a farewell memento.

One of the teachers to be honored was Dr. Ye Fun, a veteran TKU professor from the Department of Electrical Engineering who has worked at TKU for the last 39 years. His youthful personality and fun-loving antics have been immortalized in countless anecdotes that will forever remain a part of TKU folklore.

NO.812 | 更新時間:2011-03-01 | 點閱:2491 | 下載:

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