英文電子報 2011-05-12

A TKU Book Exhibition

The TKU library is currently holding a book exhibition aimed at encouraging students to read more frequently. The exhibition comprises a number of different displays, which mainly explore the changing face of the process of reading as we enter into a digital era, replete with electronic books and other such devices. It will extend into May, and will also include several lectures by guest speakers.

Third year Russian student, Chiu ting wei, said that the display contained quite a few books that “teach you how to read” more effectively. “They helped to rekindle my love for reading”, he added.

The Director of the TKU library, Hong-Chu Huang, explained that the library currently stores approximately 1.3 million hard copy books, which is 300,000 books more than the library was initially designed to hold. However, she added, “electronic books are the inevitable future!”

NO.821 | 更新時間:2011-05-12 | 點閱:2340 | 下載:

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