學校要聞 2011-11-15

A Welcome Dinner to Connect Foreign Students with Alumni

On the 1st October, Tamkang alumni officially welcomed new international and Mainland Chinese students at a banquet event designed to bring together foreign students and alumni. The event, which was held at the Chueh Sheng International Conference Hall, was jointly organized by the Office of International and Cross-Strait Affairs, the Alumni Association of Tamkang University in Taipei, and the Chinese Association of Business and Management Technology. The TKU Vice President for International Affairs, Dr. Wan-chin Tai, expressed his gratitude to the Taipei Alumni Association for providing foreign students with support in various aspects of their life. “They have even provided students with part-time work opportunities”, he noted.

The event was designed to give foreign students the chance to meet and exchange contact details with TKU alumni so that if students need support in the future, they have someone to call on. During the event, apart from interacting with and getting to know local TKU alumni, foreign students also took part in various games and activities, such as Charades and dance displays, as well as sampling delicious meals from the buffet-style banquet. Third year Mainland Chinese student from the University of Nanjing commented: “I really like Taiwanese food and I love being in a campus without high, barrack-style walls. The students here are also very kind and friendly, which has made me feel very much at home in Taiwan”.

NO.835 | 更新時間:2011-11-15 | 點閱:1648 | 下載:

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