學校要聞 2011-11-15

Talking Tamkang at High Schools around Taiwan

On the 5th October, a group of TKU students and staff set out for Yuanlin in Central Taiwan. The group was made up of staff from the TKU Recruitment Section, Office of Academic Affairs, and students from the ‘Tamkang Recruitment Volunteer Team’ and the TKU Yuanlin High School Alumni Association.

Their purpose for going to Yuanlin was to visit Yuanlin High School and provide local high school students with information on TKU courses, students associations, and overall lifestyle at Tamkang. The visit was made as part of a broader recruitment initiative to offset the impact of falling birth rates on future student numbers by actively promoting TKU among high school students.

The Tamkang Recruitment Volunteer Team described to students some of the courses offered by TKU, while the Yuanlin High Alumni Association introduced to students information on TKU student associations, and used fun games to help local students discover their interests. Second year TKU student and member of the Yuanlin High Alumni Association, Hsieh Chi-chien, said that “I’m so happy to have this chance to return to my old school and share with the students my life at Tamkang.”

NO.836 | 更新時間:2011-11-15 | 點閱:1847 | 下載:

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