英文電子報 2003-08-09


On July 31, the announcement of the heads of new offices was made and seal transfer ceremony was held for the administrative reshuffle of 3 colleges and 17 departments. The College of Continuing Education is one of the six newly established institutes and 17 new heads of graduate schools and departments were announced at the ceremony. 14 new directors took charge after the ceremony.

The announcement ceremony of the heads of 6 new institutes was presided over by TKU president Dr. Chang. The heads of the newly established institutes are: Han Yao-lung, dean of the College of Continuing Education; Wu Che-fu, head of the Graduate School of Chinese Linguistics and Documentation; Chang Yu-kuan, head of the Graduate School of Life Sciences; Chen Kan-nan, dean of College of Sciences and director of Nanotechnology Research Center; Yang Lung-jieh, director of Equipment and Experiment Center; Chiu Da-rouin, director of European Studies and Euro Allied Research Center.

TKU president Chang indicated that the College of Continuing Education was established by cooperation with industry and extension education to promote more in-service programs and classes offered by graduate schools to speed up the inflow of life-long study. The establishment of Life Sciences Center and Nanotechnology Center was aimed at cultivating and nurturing professional manpower to contribute to the most important technological advances of the 21st century. Based upon the collection of European studies in our library, the Euro-allied Research Center will be in the vanguard of European area studies in Taiwan.

At the seal transfer ceremony, the new heads took the seals from the outgoing heads, symbolizing their shouldering of responsibility. The 3 new deans and 17 new chairpersons are as follows: Sung Mei-hua, dean of the College of Foreign Languages and Literature; Chen Po-chang, dean of the College of Education; Chiang Ding-an, dean of Student Affairs; Tsai Ming-yeh, head of the Department of Information and Library Science; Cheng Tung-wen, head of the Department of Chemical and Material Engineering; Keh Huan-chao, head of the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering; Liang Wen-jung, head of the Department of Industrial Economics; Chen Tsui-lien, head of the Department of Public Administration; Yang Ming-tu, head of the Department of English; Wang Hsiu-chi, head of the Department of Spanish and the Graduate School of Latin American Studies; Vladimir Maliavin, head of the Department of Russian and the Graduate School of Russian Studies; Wang Kao-chen, head of the Graduate School of International Affairs and Strategic Studies; Lee Shih-chung, head of the Department of Educational Technology; Chen Ding-yuan, head of the Department of Management; Ku Kuang-ping, head of the Department of Finance and Applications; Lin Kien-tsu, head of the Department of International Business Management; Yau Jong-dar, head of the Department of Architecture and Building Technology; Chen Shan-long, head of the Department of Practical Japanese.

To upgrade the quality of teaching and administrative services, 14 new directors were announced too: Philip Shieh, Division of General Education and Core Curriculum; Liang Te-chiao, Division of Educational Quality Control; Hsu Shiu-huang, Division of Registration; Chiang Kuo-fang, Division of Curricular; Shieh Jing-tan, Division of Extracurricular Activities Guidance; Chen Pei-fen, Division of Overseas Students Affairs; Huang Fang-er, Division of Career Planning; Liang Kwang-hua, Division of Traffic Control and Safety; Fang Tsu-chien, the 2nd Division of Personnel Office; Chiu juei-ling, Division of Maritime Museum; Ma Shao-chuan, Division of Non-book Materials; Ting Shau-fen, Division of Archive and Reading; Yeh Tsai-yun, 1st Division of Accounting Office; Huang Huei-nan, Tamkang Times.

"Anyone who has taken a position for more than 10 years or is under 60 will be subject to reshuffle," said TKU president Chang.

NO.543 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:2146 | 下載:

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