英文電子報 2003-05-26


Four contemporary Taiwan painters—Ho Chao-chu, Lee Hsi-chi, Wu Shuan-san and Ku Tsung-kuang were present together at a tea party following the opening ceremony of “Shuan Kuang Chao Chi” Western Painting Exhibit held at Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center (CCFAC) on the morning of May 20. The site was crowded with visitors. Lee Chi-mao, Director of CCFAC, happily said: “This exhibition is the most wonderful one since the CCFAC was founded.”

Because they all held deep affection toward Tamsui, they have revealed several stories deeply touching the heart. Wu Shuan-san said that he was a graduate of Tamkang Senior High School. He has painted all landscape around Tamsui since he studied in Tamsui Senior High School. He was so familiar with Mountain of Mercy Goddess (Kuanyin) and Tamsui River and even he could paint them in dream. He once painted Tamsui landscape at the request of unknown friend when he was young. The friend then had transferred his picture to one of his friends living abroad. His friend liked Wu’s painting so much that he even became an important collector of Wu’s painting, who has already collected more than 300 paintings done by Wu. Wu described his Tamsui marvelous encounter as “unbelievable.” Speaking of sketching from nature in Tamsui, he also encountered a funny story. He was invited to enter a house for rest when the house owner saw he was so fatigued and the owner of the house turned out to be a owner of tea house.

Ho Chao-chu, a gentleman at the age over 70, said that he has drawn all landscape painting around Tamsui. Especially, he has paid most attention to the “Red House.” The “Red House” now has been reconstructed into a restaurant. Speaking of his painting experience in Tamsui, Ho said that he should be extremely grateful to Mr. Tsai for his generous offer of a room for him to draw the painting because the room held a most beautiful view of Tamsui. Some 300 pieces of work he has done in Tsai’s room. Ho also revealed when sketching at Tamsui Country Golf Course, he regarded the eighth hole as the best place to take a good view.


NO.539 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1646 | 下載:

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