學校要聞 2012-09-19

Volunteer Service at Tamkang

In recent years, the number of TKU students taking part in charity volunteer programs has mushroomed. These summer holidays were not an exception. During the 2-month long summer vacation, TKU dispatched a total of 21 volunteer service groups and 365 students who went to locations far and wide to care for the underprivileged.

One of these groups, the TKU Cambodia Volunteer Groups, has been visiting Cambodia on volunteer missions for the past four years. Their most recent trip was undertaken by three groups of students over three consecutive phases that lasted a total of 22 days. During the visit, volunteers taught local students how to type in Chinese, how to tell stories and sing in Chinese, and provided basic lessons in using computers. This time, there were also Chinese culture lessons and local exploration lessons, in which the children, led by TKU volunteers, went to local villages caring for and helping the residents. During the recent trip, Tamkang volunteers, who had raised money to purchase six new notebook computers, presented the local students with the new computers and upgraded the previously used computers with the latest software.

NO.866 | 更新時間:2012-09-19 | 點閱:1230 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-05-05 21:41:38
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