學校要聞 2012-10-29

The 8th General Meeting for TKU Alumni

The 8th General Meeting for TKU Alumni was held on the afternoon of October 6 at Kinmen Island (金門). It was attended by over 140 representatives from TKU alumni associations from each region around Taiwan, as well as the representatives’ families. Special guests included the current President of TKU, Dr. Flora Chia-I Chang; former TKU President, Dr. Lin Yun-Shan; the President of the TKU Alumni Association Headquaters, Dr. Loo Soon; the President of the TKU World Alumni Association, Dr. Chen Ching Nan; the President of the Golden Eagle Alumni Association, Mr. Kenneth Hou (also Founder and President of Kojen English Centers); and the Executive Director of the TKU Office of Alumni Resources, Dr. Chun-Young Perng.

On the morning of the 6th, President Chang along with Mr. Loo Soon and Mr. Chen Ching Nan visited the Magistrate of Kinmen County, Li Wo-Shi. Together, they discussed opportunities for developing higher education in Kinmen. Magistrate Li encouraged President Chang to consider setting up a campus at Kinmen, or to hold more frequent international symposiums on the island.

Then, in the afternoon, the General Meeting for TKU Alumni consisted of an award presentation for outstanding TKU alumni, as well as the review and amendment of various TKU regulations related to alumni and the election of high-level alumni personnel.

NO.871 | 更新時間:2012-10-29 | 點閱:1362 | 下載:

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