英文電子報 2003-03-24


The “Bedroom Farce”, a comedy played by the Department of English, was well received after playing for three days. The outstanding performances of eight actors and actress would have revitalized the history of senior drama play after seven years’ absence.

Three big and beautiful beds hand-made by members of the organizing committee were placed on the stage. A series of interesting story were developing on the bed. The marriage problem of a disjoined couple has sparked the respective problem and difficulty of other three couples. The wife was angry with her husband for his distraction on bed, thus indicating that she lost her confidence to attract her partner.

In order to pacify her husband’s performance on bed, she paid much attention to the trifles but her dignity was hurt, thus losing mutual respects. The husband was jealous of former boyfriend of his wife by proposing to eat sandwich on the bed, which actually hinted to make love. The play clearly exposed the real face of the married life. The wife or husband did not pay attention to her / his other half or listen carefully to her / his intimate mate. The drama was full of laughing with deep taunt.

A fervent kiss between an actress who was wrapped barely with a towel and an actor who was bare on his upper part of the body has immediately engendered a great disturbance among the audience. Lo Cheng-chih, sophomore of Department of International Trade, said that though he felt embarrassed and his English comprehension was not so good, the action and the facial expression of actors have highly impressed the audience. Although a cold belt invaded Taiwan during the three days of playing, students have made a long line, waiting for admission and many of them could not but turn back home due to the limitation of seats.

Chen Yi-ching, Senior of Department of English who was in charge of executing the play, said that she and all her companies were so exciting when the audiences have confirmed their expression and performance. She thanked her companies for the play being smoothly undergone. Noting that many departmental students are interested in transmitting the departmental tradition, she said: “This is the best graduation gift for me and all those who participated in the drama play.”

NO.531 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1694 | 下載:

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