英文電子報 2003-02-24


Tamkang University (TKU) President Chang Horng-jinh promised to build TKU as an important place of liberal arts while inaugurating the 2003 Taiwan International Cartoon Exhibition held at the Carrie Chang Fine Arts Center (CCFAC) on Feb. 21, 2003. The show was also co-inaugurated by Chang Bing-huang, Deputy Director of CCFAC; Yang Hsin-yi, President of Chunghua Cartoon Association (CCA); and Cartoonist Lee Chan.

President Chang said TKU is holding many arts exhibitions and activities with the purpose of helping students cultivate humane arts attainment during their college lives to upgrade their humane arts attainment and affect their future living quality. TKU will set up a Cartoon Museum, a Calligraphic Exhibition Hall and a Wine Cultural Exhibition Hall in the future with the aim of promoting TKU students’ liberal arts attainment so as to develop TKU into an important spot of liberal arts, Chang said.

CCA President Yang Hsin-yi said that all the cartoons displaying at the exhibition were all award-winning pieces from an international cartoon contest. More than 1,000 cartoonists from 50 countries in the world took part in the contest. Cartoonists Yeh Suen-fa and Cheng Wen-yuen participated in the contest and won excellent awards. Chang Bing-huan, Deputy Director of CCFAC, said that this was the first time for CCFAC to sponsor such a large-scale international show. He promised that CCFAC would hold more humane arts exhibitions of this kind in the future. Cartoonist Lee Chan who was a graduate of Tamkang Junior College of English, said that the CCFAC is a site suitable for exhibition. He also praised the progress TKU has achieved. The progress is beyond his imagination.

Following the opening ceremony, exciting readers surrounded the cartoonists who attended the inaugural ceremony. They wanted to solicit the exclusive signature of cartoonists. Cartoonists Yang Hsin-yi, Lee Chan, Hsu Mao-sung, and Yeh Suen-fa signed their exclusive signature to meet the readers’ requests.

NO.527 | 更新時間:2010-09-27 | 點閱:1671 | 下載:

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