全民英檢秘笈 2013-10-21




1.談判、協商 (v.) negotiate

2.可談判的 (adj.) negotiable

3.談判、協商 (n.) negotiation

4.擅於…… good at

5.手機 cell phone

6.打到我手機 reach me on my cell phone

7.門鈴響、電話響 (動詞三態) ring, rang, rung

8.履歷 resume

9.自傳 autobiography

10.推薦函 recommendation

11.有內涵的 insightful

12.打錯字的 (n.) typo


1.他擅於英語談判。 He is good ____ ________ in English.

2.如果電話找不到我,請留話給我助理。 Please ______ a ______ _____ my assistant if you can’t ________ me on the phone.

3.我把我的手機和家裡電話都告訴你。 I’ll give you my ______ phone and ______ phone ________.

4.你的手機響了好幾次了! Your cell phone has ______ _______ a few times!

5.一個好的履歷和自傳是有內涵的。 A good _______ and a good ___________ should be __________.

6.不要打錯字! No ________!


1. at, negotiating

2. leave, message with , reach

3. home, cell, numbers

4. rung, quite

5. resume, autobiography, insightful

6. typos

NO.907 | 更新時間:2013-10-21 | 點閱:1207 | 下載:

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