學聲大代誌 2013-11-20

Lanyang’s Campus Run

On November 6th the “Lanyang’s Love For Exercise” campus race was held. Lanyang’s Campus Director, Jyh-Horng Lin, expressed, “This run is an important event that Lanyang excitedly anticipates every year. Recently the weather has been damp and muddy, but fortunately the weather today is perfect for exercise.” At the sound of the gun, the runners began their run from the main gate of campus, passed the Clement Chang International Hall, and journeyed all the way around the university. Chia-yung Liu, the drill sergeant for the Office of Military Training and Education, took first place in the men’s faculty heat. Shu-jyuan Wu, from the Political Science Department, won the race for the female faculty heat. Both the male and female student heat were too close to determine a winner. Shu-jyuan Wu stated, “I am used to running on my own at home, at the park or in the university gym. To be called a champion for the day is a nice bonus.”

NO.910 | 更新時間:2013-11-20 | 點閱:1100 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-09-26 21:26:19
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