學校要聞 2014-03-25

The Second Year of the E-learning Digital Master Program Begins

【Reported by Hong-jia Xing, Tamkang Times 】Students attending the second year of the E-learning Digital Master Program arrived October 6th to take a tour of the campus. On the eleventh they came to the Chueh-sheng International Conference Hall for a discussion forum. The Guatemalan Ambassador expressed, “This e-learning masters program has created a bridge for young people in Latin America to grasp a deep and meaningful understanding of Asia.” Later representatives of the Graduate Institute of the Americas took the ambassadors and the Minister of Foreign Affairs to attend a banquet at the RegaLees Hotel on the 11th. The honored Latin American guests were able to take a tour and see various Taiwanese historical and cultural sites.

NO.906 | 更新時間:2014-03-25 | 點閱:1033 | 下載:

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