學校要聞 2014-08-21

Vice President Den Yi Wu Sends His Blessings For Shao-mo Activity Center Opened

Vice President Den Yih Wu (third on the left) was invited to Lanyang Campus and met with Founder Dr. Jianbang Zhang (front row second on the right), Dr. Carrie Chang (front row first on the right), President Flora Chia-I Chang (first on the left), Dean of the College of Global Innovative Development, Ai-hua Liu, and professors and administrators from each department of Lanyang. Den Yi Wu came to Lanyang for the celebration of the opening of the Shao-mo Activity Center to offer his blessings. President Chang expressed her gratitude for his honored support. She stated, “Vice President Wu’s blessing is certainly magnificent motivation for success. “

Vice President Wu stated, “Lanyang Campus has become a symbol of internationalization through its complete English learning programs, international achievements, outstanding dormitories, and energetic atmosphere. These invested resources promise a great opportunity for the youth of Taiwan.”

Picture: Vice President Den Yih Wu (third on the left) was invited to Lanyang Campus to observe. He met with founder Dr. Jianbang Zhang (front row second on the right), President Flora Chia-I Chang (first on the left) and professors from each department of Lanyang. (Picture provided by Lanyang Campus)

NO.937 | 更新時間:2014-08-21 | 點閱:1236 | 下載:

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  • 更新日期:2024-09-26 21:26:19
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