學聲大代誌 2014-10-01

The Student Club Exhibition Makes a Big Impression

【Reported by Bo-jun Zhuang, Tamkang Times】On September 15th the Extracurricular Activities Guidance Section held the “Student Clubs Enrollment Exhibition Wild Welcoming Night”, which had 19 different groups showcasing for the attention of almost a thousand students. This year 8 different groups received awards of excellence including the Japanese Mah-jong Research Team, Tea and Art Club, Tennis Club, etc. The event began with a performance by the Dan Hai Same Boat Club, followed by a moving musical experience with the Western Music Club.

The Xinhu Miaoli Alumni Association appeared as a symbol of Chinese traditional values and the Jade imperial dance performance made a grand statement about history. All of the groups and colorful performances displayed the spirit of excellence while freshmen students cheered, filling the atmosphere with warm feelings. First-year student of the Department of Management Sciences, Wen-xi Jiang stated, “These clubs have so much more diversity and are much more exciting than the ones in high school. Everyone is extremely talented. ” (Photographed by Yi-feng Lu/Zheng-wen Wang)

NO.939 | 更新時間:2014-10-01 | 點閱:840 | 下載:

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