學校要聞 2014-12-16

MOE Gives 1.8 Million in Subsidies for Chinese Language

【Reported by Jin-yu Cai, Tamkang Times】This year the Ministry of Education has laid out an 8 year program for the implementation of Chinese language in the global market which entails Continuing Education Division’s Chinese Language Center, Execution of Policies with Government Assistance, Ministry of Education’s Provision of 1,880,000 NT in Subsidies, Taiwanese Factory Cooperation with International Diplomacy and the Promotion of Chinese Literature.

On December 2nd the Chinese Language Center signed an agreement with Nippon Educational Television Co. and the company will put forth 700,000 NT for the promotion of an effective Chinese Language program in Japan. Director of the Division of Continuing Education, Hsiang-hua Chou, went to Tokyo in November to gain an understanding of the needs of the Japanese market. He stated, “I hope that we are able to really create something great through our cooperation with Nippon Educational Television Co.” Representative of the signing of the exchange, President Akihisa Yamazoe, stated, “Taiwan has very high quality Chinese education programs and I believe that our cooperation will bring forth great results.”

NO.950 | 更新時間:2014-12-16 | 點閱:737 | 下載:

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