學聲大代誌 2014-12-16

200 Teachers and Students Attend Student Representative Meeting

【Reported by Ying-tian Fan, Tamkang Times】The Office of Student Affairs’ Guidance Section Held the First Semester Graduate Student Representative Meeting in the Chueh-sheng International Conference Hall on December 2nd. In attendance was President Flora Chia-I Chang, Vice President of Academic Affairs, Huan-chao Keh, Vice President of International Affairs, Wan-chin Tai, various first level administrators and students, adding up to over 200 people. Lanyang Campus attended via video conference.

First President Chang presented the 2014 awards for students who embodied the university’s concepts of excellence. She expressed, “The student representatives are a very important bridge that honestly expresses the ideas of both the university and the needs of the students.” During the assembly, they touched upon issues regarding the master’s programs, work study, and recommended literature for research. The student representatives utilized internet surveys to gather student data on related issues.

Dean of the Office of General Affairs, Shiaw-shyan Luo, stated, “In order to satisfy the needs of parking, during winter break we will construct 200 new spaces behind the Shao-mo Memorial Natatorium Complex. Deputy Chief Information Officer, Man-sa Wang, expressed, “Currently there are 584 Wireless Base Stations at TKU and it is important to have the settings adjusted to medium strength for a smoother Wifi connection on campus.” After various issues were attended to and answered, President Chang ended the ceremony saying, “It’s my wish that the university continues to use these meetings to give the faculty and staff a clear understanding of student needs, while showing students how systems operate at the university.”

NO.950 | 更新時間:2014-12-16 | 點閱:842 | 下載:

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