學校要聞 2014-12-30

Director of the Department of Japanese is Honored by Japan

【Reported by Xin-yu Wang, Tamkang Times】On December 10th Director of the Department of Japanese, Bor-tau Chen (third on the left), received the The Order of the Rising Sun Award from President of Reitaku University, Osamu Nakayama (third on the right), who came to Taiwan to deliver the award personally. A banquet was held to honor the occasion with many in attendance including Vice President of Academic Affairs, Huan-chao Keh, Dean of the College of Foreign Languages and Literature, Hsi-deh Wu, and Executive Director of the Office of Alumni Services and Resources Development, Chun-young Perng.

As President Osamu Nakayama presented the award to Bor-tau Chen, he expressed his great appreciation for his many contributions and for establishing the relationship between Tamkang University and Reitaku University. Chun-young Perng, expressed, “We are so grateful for the effort that Professor Chen has put forward in the Department of Japanese. We are certain that the relationship between our two universities will only get stronger in the future.

NO.952 | 更新時間:2014-12-30 | 點閱:846 | 下載:

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