學聲大代誌 2015-05-05

President Chang and 139 Sports Representatives Gather for Flag Ceremony

【Reported by Zi-cheng Wang, Tamsui Campus】The 2015 National Junior College Flag Sports Ceremony took place on April 23rd in the Shao-mo Memorial Gymnasium. President Flora Chia-I Chang and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Huan-chao Keh, made a personal appearance to encourage the participants.

President Chang expressed, “Last year during this event we were honored with 10 medals, received 9th place overall and 3rd place in the category of physical fitness. This year the number of contestants is at 139, a new record high. It’s obvious that TKU is truly developing itself in terms of sports and fitness events.” President Chang will also be leading a team of 15 women to participate in the Junior College Sports event taking place at Fu Jen University on May 2nd. The events will include ping pong, swimming, judo, track and field, badminton, Kendo and Taekwondo. Director of the Office of Physical Education, Shu-feng Hsiao, expressed, “This year our male and female representatives of badminton have been exceptional. Also our table tennis team has been doing a fantastic job. TKU has awarded many great rewards for outstanding performances in athletics, creating an upsurge in the participation of great competitors.”

A Baseball Exchange in Beijing

17 members of Tamkang University’s baseball team were invited to China’s University Student Physical Education Association’s Baseball Event on the 17th of April. The trip to Qing-hua University in Beijing was lead by Associate Professor of the Office of Physical Education, I-pang Wang and Baseball Coach Feng-yu Hsieh. Director of the Office of Physical Education, Shu-feng Hsiao, expressed, “ TKU’s baseball team has done especially well in the last few years in both national and international baseball competitions, gaining recognition from around Asia. This invitation will not only widen the team members world perspective, it will also give them more great baseball skills.”

NO.963 | 更新時間:2015-05-05 | 點閱:846 | 下載:

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