學校要聞 2015-05-08

European Union Week at TKU

【Ya-han Cao, Tamsui Campus Report】The Seventh Annual European Union Week will take place in the month of May! The Graduate Institute of European Studies, the Center for European Union Studies and the Chueh-sheng Memorial Library jointly held the Horizon 2020 description meeting, which was divided in three parts: TKU European Union Industry and Social Responsibility Forum, European Union Academic Forum and the Department of Chemistry’s European Union Scholarship to Promote Chemistry in the Countryside.

Assistant of the Center for European Union Studies, Shi-chia Chow, expressed, “I really look forward to European Union Week because all of the students have a chance to interact with European culture and really develop a more solid international understanding. Also these forums will bring progress in the realm of new academic industry programs in the near future.” Dr. Hong-min Liao from the EU FP National Contact Point was invited to give insight on European technology and future industrial plans. (For more information see link http://w3.tku.edu.tw/eurc/)

NO.964 | 更新時間:2015-05-08 | 點閱:822 | 下載:

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