學聲大代誌 2015-05-08

TKU Alumni Wins World Cheerleading Championship

【Ya-han Cao, Tamsui Campus Report】Alumni of the Department of Chinese Language and former Tamkang University cheerleader, Yu-hua Lin competed as a representative of Taipei on April 25th in the 2015 World Cheerleading Championships in Orlando, Florida. The cheerleading representative performed brilliantly, winning the championship and ending America’s six year winning streak!

Yu-hua Lin expressed, “It was my first time being chosen for something so spectacular and having the opportunity to bring recognition to my home country. Actually winning the championship was like a dream come true, it’s still hard to believe it’s real. I’m so grateful for everyone’s support. I hope in the future the other cheerleaders at Tamkang University will receive the same support as myself.” The cheerleading team captain and four-year student of the Department of Water Resources and Environmental Engineering, Wei-xiang He, expressed, “Seeing my teammate accomplish such an achievement is a great honor for us all. I learned a lot from seeing her determination, which has taught me to never give up.

NO.964 | 更新時間:2015-05-08 | 點閱:933 | 下載:

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