學校要聞 2015-06-01

TKU Alumni Receives Award for International Film

【Yi-mei Chen, Wan-xuan Qin, Tamsui Campus Report】Golden Horse Award winner and alumni of the Department of Mass Communication, Nan-Chian Yang, continues to wow the public as she wins another award at the 2015 International Film Assessment in South Korea. Currently in Shang Hai, Nan-chian Yang expressed, “I’m so grateful to have won this award. As soon as I heard my name mentioned, I was filled with excitement. It’s been a really long road and doing independent film can be very taxing. This is a great encouragement and no matter what, I will stay on the road of film.”

NO.967 | 更新時間:2015-06-01 | 點閱:919 | 下載:

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