學校要聞 2015-08-25

Summer Break Services Launch

The 2015 Summer Break Service Group Flag Ceremony took place on June 29th at the Chung-ling Chemistry Hall. The ceremony was held to officially send 16 student service teams around Taiwan and even to Cambodia to offer assistance. Vice-president of Administration, Yi-jen Hu, attended the ceremony to show his support and prepare students for the big trip. He stated, “These students embody the spirit of Tamkang University, which aims for simplicity, truthfulness firmness and perseverance. Their commitment will certainly act as a positive light for society and they will lead the way in warming hearts of the future.”

This year the university has spent a great deal of time promoting and cultivating service teams in areas of environmental protection, volunteer services, alumni assistance and more. This is the 9th time the Cambodian Service Team will travel to Cambodia to teach Chinese language and computer skills. Team leader and fourth year student of the Department of Information Management, Kai-you Zhang, expressed, “Education is something that takes time to truly develop so we keep returning to the youth in Cambodia with hopes of a very fruitful harvest in the future.” Team leader and third-year student of the Department of Education Technology, Jun-xuan Lin, expressed, “I hope on this expedition we can become a lot closer to the tribe and open new doors in our relationship.” (Article written by Yi-mei Chen/ Photographed by Guo-zhen Wu)

NO.972 | 更新時間:2015-08-25 | 點閱:1028 | 下載:

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