學校要聞 2015-09-25

TKU Ranks Pulls Rank

【Tamkang Times】Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) has listed the latest “World University Rankings by Subject” and Tamkang University has placed in the top 300 in the fields of art and literature. Aside from National Taiwan University, National Sun Yat-sen University and National Taiwan Normal University, TKU is the only private university to find itself in such a high ranking (See more data at http://www.topuniversities.com/). The ranking index was based on articles produced by universities and academic reputation, then divided into 5 fields of study and 36 subjects.

Director of the Department of English, Yung-yu Huang, expressed, “The professors of this institute have really done an astounding job in terms of research and strengthening academic curriculum. From 2012-2014 the professors of this university have published 52 dissertations. In the future we will continue to progress academic research while enrolling international students and increasing overseas exchanges.”

NO.974 | 更新時間:2015-09-25 | 點閱:858 | 下載:

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