學校要聞 2015-09-25

Doshisha University Visits TKU

Professor Koji Murata (right), President of Doshisha University in Japan, brought a team of representatives to TKU on Sept. 11 for a sister school exchange. Accompanying the university president was Section Manager, Yuichi Tanaka, University Secretary, Shinji Akagi and Mrs. Rui-lian Gao of the Office of Taiwan Affairs. Doshisha University officially signed an exchange agreement with TKU in May of 2010 and has maintained a vigorous cooperation for the past 5 years.

Among the many other academic exchanges, TKU and Doshisha University have jointly held the “the New Position of Asia and the World” academic conference as a platform to discuss issues related to the American and Japanese security relations like the TPP Agreement. Doshisha University has observed events and participated in activities involving the TKU kendo team.

Doshisha University is a well known university in Japan that was founded in 1895. It includes 9 Departments, 12 Graduate Institutes and emphasizes overseas study programs. It currently has 24,000 students with an average of 500 overseas students a year. This is the second visit that Doshisha University has had with TKU since President Flora Chia-I Chang (left) travelled to Japan in August of 2013.

NO.974 | 更新時間:2015-09-25 | 點閱:845 | 下載:

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