學校要聞 2015-10-23

Malaysian TKU Alumni Honored for Success

On Aug. 15 the Federation of Alumni Association of Taiwan Universities, Malaysia (FAATUM) held their 41st Anniversary that was themed, “Passing Along the Torch - Creating New Heights of Innovation Together.” President Flora Chia-I Chang and Vice President of Administration, Yi-jen Hu, attended the ceremonial banquet. During the event, President of FAATUM and Alumni of the Department of Accounting, Ser-chong Lee, was presented with the Second Hua Guang Professional Achievement Award. Ser-chong Lee, showed his appreciation to Taiwan and for the opportunity to have an education of the spirit of excellence. (Article written by Kai-jun Lin)

NO.978 | 更新時間:2015-10-23 | 點閱:1090 | 下載:

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